Trip Leader Instructions
We ask our activity leaders to complete some administrative tasks when organising walks, abseil trips etc. This ensures the club can support them if required and enables us to collect statistics on our activities.
The club recognises that there is a different risk profile associated with activities held in urban areas and those held in non-urban areas.
- We define an urban activity as one where the bulk of the activity takes place within a short distance of a road or footpath and there is mobile coverage at all times. Should an incident or accident occur it would be possible to contact emergency services by phone.
- We define an activity as taking place outside of urban areas where all or part of the activity takes place away from roads and footpaths. Mobile coverage is not reliable. Should an incident or accident occur emergency services would most likely be contacted by Personal Locator Beacon (PLB), due to the inherent uncertainty of the ability to contact emergency services by phone.
Take a look at our Leaders FAQ if you have questions. Somebody else may have already asked.
All Trips
Before the Trip Check that conditions are still safe for your activity to go ahead as planned. Consider fire weather conditions, rain, wind, floods, blizzards, heavy rain over canyon catchments, air quality etc. Check with the appropriate land manager that the area your activity will be held in is open and that no hazard reduction burns are planned. Our Park Closure page contains useful links. At the Start of the Trip Conduct a pre-walk briefing at the start of your trip. Bushwalking NSW provides information on what to cover in your pre-walk briefing on their Risk Management page. Activity Registers Activity leaders should make sure an Activity Register is completed for all trips If there is a visitor on the trip the visitor MUST sign the activity register to acknowledge that they acknowledge the risks associated with the activity and will take appropriate steps to manage those risks. Due to the COVID risk associated with sharing pens, club members no longer need to sign the activity register as they have already signed an acknowledgement of risk on their membership form. ALL activity registers MUST be emailed to [email protected]. Visitors Visitors are welcome to attend two activities before becoming a member. Visitors MUST sign the activity register. Incident Reporting If any incidents or injuries occur on the activity the leaders record the details on the reverse of this form and follow the instructions on the Incident Reporting page. |
Trips Outside of Urban Areas Only
Nominate an Emergency Contact Record the name and contact number of person who can be contacted in order to provide emergency services with a detailed trip plan in the event of an overdue party on the Activity Register. This emergency contact should be a reliable person who will not panic if they are required to ring the Police and report you as ‘overdue’ from the nominated trip. Inform the Emergency Contact Provide the emergency contact with detailed Trip Intentions, a link to the For Emergency Contacts page and phone numbers for walks committee members from the Club Information sheet. Let the Walks Committee Know Who is on the Trip Email the completed activity register including emergency contact information to [email protected] prior to the commencement of the activity. You can do this by: